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2020-10-21 02:00:01


诚实是有回报的类It 永恒话题回报的Pays

to Be Honest 12.当前社会上有很多不诚实现象 诚实是有 实.

诚实利人利己,做人应该诚beings Honesty is a virtue of human important and character. But unfortunately, it has part seen commonly of the human as an been world challenged in the modern more dishonest things and people. as we meet with more and As young people in 21 st century , we should firmly cling to the faith that honesty we life.

is need essential to be in honest our whole and trust First, we should build up the make among Trust us gain people . Honesty can communicate with others and help is the the base trust for of others. us to each other. And then we can make progress together. Second, we will be trust and show trust to others, and very happy when we get the we and will always be in anything as we like. Third, honesty have enough energy good to mood do can approach make us have realistic benefit from it .

style and of a work. practical a realistic We will and our basic whole In a word, honesty is vital in course, it pays to be honest, but it attitude life. to It the should world. be our Of is for sure worthwhile because we will we pay. Being honest means happy certainly get more than what and always meaningful life appreciated nice to us. It is honest people. and for remembered us to be as 利弊型作文理由:正方 解压力 1

培养爱心 好反方 还可以是一项生意 消除孤独 3 2 缓 不仅是爱病 1 浪费时间,钱

2 传播疾raising pets

3 危及人身安全 people’s With the improvement of becoming living with people of different age. There more standard, and more pets popular are are pet. some brought First, advantages love for others of raising a raising up during the process may be be pets. Second, pressure can of loneliness can be get rid of. Third, relieved/released/set free and raising and it can be a profitable business. pets is more than a hobby disadvantages However, there are some the one hand, it is a waste of time of having pets. On and money people’s putting energy on disease may be spread the pets. On the other hand, to harmful. human being, which from pets is too may be threatened when the fierce Moreover, personal life pets are raised. mentioned Despite all

advantages above, the I still disadvantage think disadvantages. As for the problem, outweigh the I’m step by step in the future. sure that they will be 问题解决型作文 settled My View on Fake Commodities

1杜绝假冒伪劣商品.假冒伪劣商品的危害。2.怎样Commodities Nowadays,

Fake then, from in the are sold, now and The food, clothes, market. and They range much attention. phenomenon medicine. Fake

attracts people’s variety Commodities with Second, , it of is harmfulness. can have a To begin reputation it has waste manufacturers. Above all, people’s of bad effect of resource. the on real the health threatened.

and lives are severely with Measures should be take to deal hand , strict laws should be passed the problem. On the one to sellers. punish the producers and the consumers On distinguish should the other the genuine be told hand, goods




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