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2020-10-21 02:00:01

中科院历年考博英语作文题集 1999 2011 1. 11 年 03 月 To be successful you need friend; To be huge successful you need enemy. 2. 10 年 03 月 People often come up with different decisions when facing the same situation. Why? 3. 09 年 03 月 Should there be two focuses available in Chinese high school humanity focus and science focus? Please give specific reason to support your argument. 4. 08 年 03 月 When do you think is the best time for a college candidate to dicide on his major: before going to college or while enrolled in college? Provide your reasons and supporting details. 5. 08 年 10 月 What has China gained from holding the Olympic Games? Please give specific examples to support your argument. 6. 07 年 03 月 How would you react to appearance when you are trying to the discrimination against your physical find a job? 7. 07 年 10 月 There have been instances of students humiliating their teacher at school. What do you think is the cause for such happenings? 8. 06 年 03 月 China has the greatest population in the world and a large pool of reseach workers, yet it has not produced a single Nobel Prize winner so far. What has caused this situatuin in your opinion? 9. 06 年 10 月 A lot of people, especially the young, are crazy about stars. They wish to see their heroes at all costs. Do you think these people are foolish, understandable or desirable? Justify your opinion. 10. 05 年 10 月 A What does work mean to you? Is it just a means to make ends meet, to cover life expenses? 11. 05 年 10 月 B Is a job seeker s previous work experien ce important? If so, in what sense and to what extent? If not, why not? 12. 05 年 03 月 How to reduce traffic accidents? 13. 04 年 03 月 Some people think that material wealth is a sign of success in China today. Do you agree or disagree? State your opinion and give good reason. 14. 03.年 10 月 1 My idea of professional Ethics for a scientist 15. 03 年 03 月 Good management can help the organization achieve its desired results. This is particularly true of the management...

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  1. 2021-08-01 22:37吃咖博文 v[新疆网友]IP:2051077147
  2. 2020-03-04 08:13荼靡&夏末[山西省网友]IP:3528614311


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