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2020-10-21 02:30:02

模板 1.对比选择型 两种观点/现象对比 第一段:Some people tend to think that…观点一 They point out that…理由一 Additionally,… 理由二 A case in point is…举例 Therefore…小结 第二段:On the contrary/However/In contrast/On the other hand,other people hold the view that… 观点二 They argue that…理由一 Whats more… 理由二 As an illustration,…举例 Accordingly,…小结 第三段:As far as I am concerned,I think ….我的观点 The reason is that…理由一 And also,… 理由二 So,… 总结自己的观点 *其他题例:1)Should Education Be Commercialized? 2)Chosen A Famous University or A Favorite Major? 模板 2.说明利弊型 某一观点/现象有利有弊,行成自己的新观点. 第一段:Whenever we hear people say that…主题 , well instantly have the idea that it is a good/bad thing for...某人. Indeed,…主题have advantages to…某人. We can take…举例as an example….It will benefit…好处一In addition…好处二 第二段:In the mean time,we must realize those disadvantages of…主题. First of all,..坏 处一Second,…坏处二 第三段:To sum up the above arguments,I think a proper attitude towards…主题is that…我 的观点*其他题例:1)College Life in Internet Era 2)Stress in Modern Life … … 模板 3.问题解决型 对某一问题进行分析,找出解决办法,表达自己的看法.第一段:Nowadays,we have to face a problem that…问题/Nowadays,more and more people are concerned about the problem…问题/It is important for us to…问题For instance…例一/ First,…原因一. Moreover,…例二/Second,….原因二第二段:People have figured out many ways to solve the problem./Confronted with…问题we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation.Firstly, …解决方法一Secondly, … 解决方法二 第三段:Personally,I believe that…我的方法/To me,I am taking two ways to solve the problem of…问题One of them is…我的方法The other way is…方法二By now ways have been working perfectlyefficient1y…结果模板 4.阐述主题型 对某一命题或概念进行阐述第一段: A famous saying goes that…名言或谚语. It means that…释义. An example of this case is…举例,解释. 第二段:Another case in point is…例二 第三段:I like the saying...名言 which encourages me...理由模板 5.图表题 [graph, chart, table, flowchart, picture, map ]第一段: From the graph,we know the statistics of...图表概况It can easily be seen that...揭 示含义第二段:There are many reasons responsible for this instance,and the following are the typical ones.For one thing,…理由一in addition,...理由二The main reason is that...理由三第三段:However,this graph may not predict the entire situation in the future.I believe...前 景预测/Above all,we now know about the problemwe should try to find some ways to solve it . For one thing,...方法一For another thing,...方法二Still another,...方法 正反观点对比题目第一段一般只写三句。 第一句:It is widely believed by many people for some time that ...第二句:One reason they think is that...第三句:The other reason they hold is that...第二段一般只写三句。第一句:While others argue that ...第二句:They maintain that...第三句:They also claim that...第三段写四句。第一句:From what has been discussed above, we may come to the conclusion that ...第二句:On the one hand, ...第三句:On the other hand, ...第四句:Only in this way can we ...第一段只写三句:第一句:As is shown in the graph above, we can see clearly that great changes have taken place in … from…to…第二句:The first … years saw… 第三句:The last … years witnessed …第二段只写四句:第一句:What has caused this problem? It seems to me that there are … reasons.第二句:Firstly, …第三句:Secondly,…第四句:Finally,…第三段只写四句:第一句:How to solve the problem has become a hot issue among many people.第二句:For one thing, …第三句:For another, …第四句:Only in this way can we successfully solve the problem.第一段只写两句:第一句:In recent years, there has been…第二句:How to solve the problem has become a hot issue among many people.第二段只写四句:第一句:What has caused this problem? It seems to me that there are … reasons. 第二句:Firstly, …第三句:Secondly,…第四句:Finally,…第三段只写四句:第一句:How to solve the problem has become a hot issue among many people.第二句:For one thing, …第三句:For another, …第四句:Only in this way can we successfully solve the problem.第一段只写两句:第一句:I am writing this letter today to …第二句:My name is … and I am …第二段按照题目要求写:第三段只写三句:第一句:I sincerely hope you can take my letter seriously.第二句:Your prompt response will be highly appreciated. 第三句:Thanks a lot for your time and consideration.Dear My Friend,正文 Yours sincerely结束语 Li Ming 1. 现象/观点解释型 第一段:解释现象 第二段:解释或阐述这种现象的产生或存在的原因 第三段:提出建议或总结观点1.As regards the Spring Festival Gala there has been a heated discussion among the general public in our society. People who believe in its necessity argue that….. 2.By contrast, others hold that…. 3. As far as I am concerned,….1、一知 广有本领的人,一定谦虚。——谢觉哉 2、人若勇敢就是自己最好的朋友。半解的人,多不谦虚;见多识3、尺有所短;寸有所长。物有所不足;智有所不明。——屈原 4、功有所不全,力有所不任,才有所不足。——宋濂 5、“不可能”只存在于蠢人的字典里。 6、游手好闲会使人心智生锈。



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