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2020-10-21 02:55:01


For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on how to balance academic study and extracurricular activities. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

Nowadays, whether participating in more extracurricular activities or concentrating on academic study becomes a hard choice for many college students. A healthy balance between them is key to a successful and colorful college experience. Here are some measures that we can take to achieve that balance.

To begin with, the primary reason for attending university is to pursue intellectual knowledge, and this means prioritizing classes is beyond any dispute. It would be much better if we schedule around classes, learn effectively and leave plenty of time before scheduling club activities. In addition, extra activities are indispensable to us because they add flavor to our dull and unchanging daily life, but we need to choose wisely among those we are truly interested in and those that benefit us most on our way to career success. Last but not least, if we find ourselves overwhelmed and stressed out, we should seek guidance from mentors, parents or senior students as they are much more experienced in coping with difficulties under such circumstances.

All in all, it is crystal clear that maintaining the balance between academic study and extracurricular activities is essential. It is more advisable to put study on the top agenda and then set aside some time to engage ourselves in extracurricular activities.







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