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2020-10-21 03:30:01


保持健康的英语作文篇一 That are words of wisdom. If you want to keep healthy, what you eat is quite important.

Drink plain milk every day or drink some mixture of water and honey every morning.

Eat less rubbish food like chips, barbecues and various kind of snacks which make you fat.

If you are just too lazy to do exercises outside, you can also do at home or even at your seat. Just try to move your body when you think about being healthy.

保持健康的英语作文篇二 As a middle school student,first you d better do more exercise such as playing ball games,running ,swimming and jumping rope.

Then you should pay attention to your diet or meals.

Don t eat too much meat and sugar but more vegetables and fruit.

Third you need enough sleep or rest .Next keep yourself happy.

Last you mustn t drink wine or smoke .They are bad for your health.

保持健康的英语作文篇三 Health is very important for us.So,how to keep healthy?

First,maintain a nutritional balance.No food,eat more vegetables,eat KFC.

Second,to develop good habits.Early to bed and early to rise,do not stay up late.

Third,do more exercise,sports can help us body become stronger.

If you want to keep healthy,just try it on.

保持健康的英语作文篇四 Have you got a healthy body?If your answer is not ,I think I can help you.

You must have a good living habit,for example,get up early in the morning,go to bed early in the eveing.

Then,you should have a good eating habit,eat more fresh vegetables and fruit.

Do exercises regularly,twice or three times a week is enough.

And the most important is that keep peaceful mind,enjoy what life offers you.









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