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写一篇英语作文 关于老人跌倒 你会扶吗?说出你的观点?

2020-10-21 04:30:01

Should we help the old who fall down on the street Should we help the old who fall down on the street?Some people are not willing to help the old who fall down on the street.They refuse to help the old because they don’t think they can give the old correct medical care due to a lack of professional skills. Another major reason is that they are afraid of being charged with knocking him or her down and getting themselves into trouble if they help the old. As for me, we should help the old who fall down on the street. As we all know, it is a traditional Chinese virtue to show respect for and take good care of the old. If we come across an old person who falls down on the street, we can lend him or her a helping hand by calling the medical care centre. I hope there will be less indifference and more warmth in our society.翻译: 老人在街上摔倒,我们应不应该扶 老人在街上摔倒,我们应不应该扶呢?一些人不愿意帮助跌倒的老年人。他们拒绝帮助老年人是因为他们认为他们无法给老人正确的医疗,由于缺乏专业技能。另一个主要原因是他们害怕如果他们帮助老人的话将被他或她指控,让自己陷入麻烦。 我认为,我们应该帮助老年人当跌倒在街上。我们都知道,这是中国的传统美德,尊重和照顾老人。如果我们碰到一个老人摔倒在街上,我们可以给他或她帮助,通过调用医疗中心。我希望会有更少的冷漠,让我们的社会更温暖。



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