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假设你是李华 你的好好朋友王林生病了。现在请你给他写一封!英语作文

2020-10-21 04:50:01

I am sorry to hear that you have been sick for three days. Are you feeling better? I know youre always working hard in daily life, since you never go to bed before the midnight every day. But it is not a good habit to stay up late at night. It can harm your health and your energy that you may feel exhausted and low spirited on next day. Don’t worry about the classes. I will lend you my notes after you come back to school. Now what you need is just a good rest and a balanced diet. Perhaps we should have sports together regularly after you come back to make us stronger. Take good care of yourself and I hope you will recover soon!Best Wishes,Li Hua



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