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2020-10-23 02:45:01

Charlottes web."" Charlottes Web ",a song about life,friendship,love and loyalty!A book was born 59 years ago in the classic,read it,with missionary zeal and devotion!Because,it is one of the most pure moved us to tears.The Zuckerman family barn,a group of happy animal life.Pig Wilbur and the spider Charlotte built sincere friendship.However,a bad news broke the barn calm:Wilbur was killed on the Christmas will make bacon,ham!As a pig,the grief stricken Wilbur seems to only accept the mercy of fate.However,tiny,little spider Charlotte said:" I save you." So,Charlotte in the pigsty weaved by human beings as the miracle of online text,the praise of Wilburs text has completely changed the fate of Wilbur,finally let Wilbur won the special prize in the market competition,and a might remain in the future.But at this time,the spider Charlottes life has come to an end ......In the " Stuart Little " of the author,the great American writer E B White s pen,Charlotte spider silk weaving a love net,the net to save Wilburs life,also aroused the love and warmth of your heart and my heart endless.reading this book,I was very moved,touched by the sincere friendship,Charlotte good quality more touched me.In our life,there is a kind of precious wealth is friendship,it is to use countless money also cant buy.If there is no real friends in our life,no loyalty of friendship,you will be how lonely ah!However,Wilburs life was so happy,because it has a accompany it,and sacrifice his life to save his friend,Charlotte the spider,Wilbur must not lonely.The book impressed me most than the friendship between Charlotte and Wilbur.A spider to Wilbur feeling is fierce and cruel,but lonely soon forced him to Charlotte had further understanding,and found that Charlotte has a kind heart.In Wilbur hysterical " I dont want to die,I dont want to die ah,help me!" Wail,Charlotte firm that one sentence " you will not die,I save you ",left us a deep impression.For this promise,Charlotte has devoted all her energy which,until the end of the moment of life,she also did not require any returns.Reading this book,I truly feel what is real friendship,but also understand the true friendship will never change even unto death.I think,we should learn to charlotte.Although she is a small and humble spiders,but it can make so many deplore makes us human things,that we,will be good for the sake of his friends,build a bridge of friendship.In order to pig,Charlotte dedicated too much.When Wilbur alone,is Charlotte accompany him through many a long,long night,brought joy to the pigs; when Wilbur faced the slaughter,and Charlotte,for love is woven into the net,save a pig up to now,I still remember Charlotte died before weaving " humble" two the word,they are in my mind,is in praise of charlotte.Why does Charlot want to do?In order to return?No,of course not,friendship is not needed.In order to friends,Charlotte is always busy,even before his death also in for Wilbur shoes.Isnt this the most pure friendship?At the moment,my heart was thrown great waves.I understand that friendship is a miracle!Is a kind of giving!Is a kind of happiness!Eternal love!I remembered before and friends quarrel,but more than 10 years of friendship had said Charlottes web is a moved us to tears,and let us ponder!



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