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以“Where is your time going?”为题 写一篇100词左右的短文In the past沉迷

2020-10-24 11:25:02

Where is your time going?How time flies! We are always wondering where time is going. In the past, I was addicted in watching TV series and spent a lot of time on it. It usually took me half a month to finish one TV play and continued with another. Of course, I had to finish my endless homework. Sometimes I would play computer games. It was a good way to kill time.Now, I usually do some reading and exercise. When I am free, I go traveling to see the natural beauties of the world. I also learn to do something new, for example, cooing. Because I want enjoy the satisfaction of eating my own meals.In the future, I will spend more time on my family and job. I need to look after them well and do my work well. If I have the ability, I will do something for the charity. For example, help homeless children. I can do my part to make the world a better place to live in. 试题分析:这篇短文要求我们以Where is your time going?为题写一篇作文,即你的时间都去哪了。在题目中给了我们这篇短文的写作提纲,主要包括三部分的内容。一是过去都把时间花费在哪些地方了,如沉迷于电视剧、做没玩没了的作业,另外还需自己再补充一条;二是现在把时间都花费在哪儿了,如阅读、锻炼和旅行。同样自己再列举一个例子;最后是想象未来会把时间花费在什么地方,如家庭、工作、慈善事业等。提纲虽然已经列好,但是很多内容都需要我们自己去充实,让它变得完整、合理,内容丰富,这就需要花费我们的想象力,以及我们平时积累的知识。另外,写作时,还需注意语句间的衔接,使文意连贯,表达流畅。亮点说明这是一篇比较不错的作文。作者从过去、现在和将来三个方面,分成三段,讲述了自己的时间都花费在哪了,层次非常的清晰。短文中需要作者自己补充的内容完成得也不错。如Sometimes I would play computer games. It was a good way to kill time;I also learn to do something new, for example, cooing. Because I want enjoy the satisfaction of eating my own meals等。这些内容都比较贴合文章的需要,意思也很连贯。文章中还用了一些比较好的句型,如In the past, I was addicted in watching TV series and spent a lot of time on it、When I am free, I go traveling to see the natural beauties of the world、I can do my part to make the world a better place to live in等。

以“Where is your time going?”为题 写一篇100词左右的短文In the past沉迷于无聊冗长的电视连续剧 没完没了的作业再列举一例。At present阅读 旅行 锻炼并陈述理由



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