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请以afunnystory为题 写一篇英文作文 不少于70字 以一位初中生的语言写作业帮

2020-10-26 15:05:02

There was a bear farming,it is to ask what kind of a goat.Goat replied: I planted the vegetables. After that,the bear went kind of vegetables.Soon,there is a small rabbit,and with the bear said: Brother Bear,you should plant radishes,carrots are more nutritious. Bear listening to the rabbit,it just kind of put the whole vegetables soon pulled out,replant radish.A month later,the ground just smoke and tender leaves,monkey to bear came to visit.It bears s aying: Brother Bear,you should watermelons,to the next year in the summer,and thirst and hot weather,many good things ah! Monkey bear listening to it,think it makes sense,then pulled radish watermelons.I do not know watermelon delicious but difficult to bear species,a series of good trees have withered.In this way,the harvest season arrived.Goats eat the green vegetables,nutritious rabbit bite from a large radish,sweet monkey bite from watermelon,just bear with nothing to eat.



三年级下学期作文 自强不息作文素材 描写小兔子的作文 我渴望作文600字 英语电影影评英语作文 100字作文摘抄 六一的作文400 介绍动物的英语作文 横式结构作文 洗碗作文300字 鲁迅故居作文 家风作文300字 学生作文网 巴西龟 作文 小学三年级英语作文 写事作文700字 植物生长过程作文 对未来的憧憬作文 假期旅行英语作文 心中的美景 作文 我最欣赏的人作文 让世界充满爱 作文 高考英语作文预测 小学二年级作文怎么写 哈利波特英语作文 不一样的世界作文 关于思念的作文 狮子林作文 青春风采作文 家规家训家风作文