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2020-10-26 15:50:01

I am pleased that the one thing In my life,there are many happy and meaningful things,there is one thing still remains fresh in the memory,which is the first time I cook.In the summer,because her mother to go to work,Dad to prepare for the exam,so no one of me,and I often eat rice soup at noon in the matter.But once,I think anyway idle is idle,say the mother is hard enough,I make a meal for it.So,I started to busy,Xicai,Qiecai,a gas,heating pot,put cooking oil,such as the oil pan out Qingyan,Bacai Add to,and spoon over a few,covered with lid .The first cook Benshoubenjiao,almost charred vegetables and soup are to the overflow.I would like to,usually to see her mother to San Liangxia put the meals,did not expect to such trouble hands,is easy to see flower embroidery difficult.After a series of "苦战",the two were one soup I made.To the feeling of their makeshift can,after all,was the first time I cook.一件令我高兴的事 在我的生活中,有许多快乐和充实的事,其中有一件事还是记忆犹新,那就是我第一次做饭.在暑假中,因为妈妈要上班,爸爸要准备考试,所以没有人管我,我就常在中午吃些饭汤了事.可是有一次,我想反正闲着也是闲着,再说妈妈也够辛苦的,我就为他们做一次饭吧.于是,我便开始忙起来,洗菜、切菜,开煤气、锅加热、放食用油,等锅里的油冒出青烟时,把菜放入,用勺子翻几下,盖上锅盖.第一次做菜笨手笨脚,菜差点烧焦,汤都溢出来了.我想,平时看妈妈三两下就把饭菜做好,没想到自己动手这么麻烦,真是看花容易绣花难.经过一番“苦战”,两菜一汤被我做好了.自己感觉凑合一下到还可以,毕竟是我第一次做饭.



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