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求英语作文:我的一次演讲经历 英语!!!急急急急急!!!80字左右!!!

2020-10-26 15:55:01

I remember the first time I make the speech is so nervous that I cant control myself. at before,my teacher wanna let some students to take the competition of speech of our school,in that i wanna lets myself exercise my power of courage,So,I apply it. Wow!I dont freaking believe I did it.So,I prepare the speech before competition carefully, I find the information of speech in network,I practise the process of speech day n night. With the competition day coming,I feel nervous and nervous,I cant control my body when judge ask me begin the speech,seriously,I wanna go to hell.at before there is nothing in my mind,this blank.but time passed by a second,I feel better,I think it is unnecessary I feel nevers,wow! amazing~its so irritative,and I think I fall in love with it.我还记得我第一次参加演讲的时候,紧张到自己都无法控制自己。那时,老师问谁愿意参加一个学校的眼睛比赛,为了锻炼自己和提高自己,我报名了。哇!现在想想当时我真的是疯了。为了准备这次演讲,我仔细的在图书馆和网上找资料,我日日夜夜的练习我的表演(指演讲)。比赛终于到来了,我只是感觉越来越紧张,当评委要求我上台的时候我发现我已经无法控制自己的身体了,说实话,我真想马上挖个洞钻下去。刚开始,我的大脑一片空白,什么都没有。但是我及时的调整了自己,那是我发现其实根本没什么好紧张的。 当我下台后,我有一种很奇妙的感觉 那种刺激感,我想我爱上这种感觉了(指爱上演讲) 嫌字数少了的话你在叫我多加一点 另外,那个叫“衡铭坤”的你抄人家的不觉得恶心吗?



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