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书面表达。 根据所给情景写一篇日记。 1. 假如今天是三月十三日 星期二 晴天。你

2020-10-26 16:35:01

TuesdayMarch13 Sunny It is fine today. I went to a bookshop to buy some books. On the way, I saw a little girl crying at a bus stop. I went up to her to help her. She told me she couldnt find her grandma. I told her not to worry and told her stories, she didn’t cry any more. After a moment while her grandma came in a hurry. They were happy to see each other. The granny wanted to thank me, but I didn’t wait for her thanks, I got on the bus .答案不唯一

书面表达。 根据所给情景写一篇日记。 1. 假如今天是三月十三日 星期二 晴天。你去书店买书 见到一个小女孩在一个停车站哭 你过去帮助她。 2. 小女孩告诉你 她找不到



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