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2020-10-28 06:45:01

20年后的我20 years after I20年后的我是一个养花专家,为了让花园的花开得灿烂、娇艳,我尽心尽力,费尽心机,而我辛苦的劳动并没有白白付出,换来了人们一串串欣赏的目光,一张张快乐的脸.20 years later I was a flower to experts,in order to let the flower garden to bright,delicate and charming,I try my best,tactful,and Im hard work and for no pay for people appreciate a string of vision,one happy face.一天邻居露丝太太买了一批新款玫瑰花,我到她家照料花儿.这新款玫瑰花鹤立鸡群:形状远看有点像星星,近看又有点像太阳,色泽金黄,带着晨曦的露珠,熠熠生辉,真是美丽极了!我深深被这美丽的花儿所吸引,舍不得将目光从花中移走.心想:我拥有这美丽的花该多好啊!但我知道这是可遇不可求,他人的东西不能据为己有.One day neighbor Mrs.Lucy bought a batch of new fund rose,I to her home to take care of the flowers.This new rose standout:look a little bit like shape far stars,looking nearly and a little like the sun,golden in color,with the morning dew,yi yi is unripe brightness,is really beautiful!I was deeply attracted by the beautiful flowers,wont look removed from flowers.Wish:I have this beautiful flower this much good!But I know it is uncommon,others cant according to for ourselves.有一次,波顿伯伯买了许多黑菊花,请我到他家赏花.当我走进花园,仿佛置身于一层层黑色的波涛之中,像一个含情默默的少女的卷发,多么美丽啊!我走到花旁,仔细地观察,发现美中不足的是这乌黑的菊花缺少了天然的光泽,叶子也有点儿垂头丧气了.我想:这黑菊花一定是缺水、缺肥了,我必须要保护它.于是,我拿起了浇花壶,将水轻柔地洒在花上,叶子吸收了水份,骄傲地抬起头来,向我感激地微笑;我搬来了肥料,在花里施肥,几天后,黑菊花显示了它应有的天然光泽、重现它的姿彩.我奋地跳了起来!这就是我,一个善于观察、细心勤劳、无私奉献的我.Once,boltons uncle bought many black chrysanthemum,please me to his house to enjoy flower.When I walked into the garden,as if place oneself in layers of the black sea,like a young girl of silently conveyed curl,how beautiful!I go to the flower,carefully observe,found that the only fly in the ointment was the black chrysanthemum without natural luster,and the leaf is a little depressed.I think:this black chrysanthemum must have water,or lack of fertilizer,I have to protect it.So,I picked up the water the flowers pot,will water pouring on the flowers,leaves absorbed moisture,proud to raise head,I appreciate to smile; I moved to the fertilizer,in the flower of fertilizer,a few days later,the black chrysanthemum shows its proper natural luster,reproduce it colorful.I was jumping up!This is me,a observant,attentive diligence,devotion to me.在2026年中国博览会上展示了一棵特大的牡丹花,这棵牡丹花有十几平方米大,结有上百朵牡丹花:有红色的、黄色的、蓝色的、绿色的、紫色的、棕色的……,每一朵花有脸盆那么大,散发出诱人的芬芳,真是令人叹为观止!那是我培植出来的新品种,为了它,我废寝忘食,翻阅了大量有关种花的书籍,请教了数十个有经验的老师,研究了世界上数千种花的生长过程,采用最新的嫁接技术,使用最适合的阳光,最适宜的湿度、温度,最适当的肥料培植而成.这就是我,一个爱动脑筋、不怕困难、敢于接受挑战、永攀科学高峰的我.In 2026 China expo is showing a big tree peony,the tree peony is more than ten square meters,and has hundreds of flower peony:red,yellow,blue,green,purple,brown...,each flower a basin so big,send out an inviting fragrance,its amazing!Thats my new derived,in order to it,I neglected,read a lot of books about planting flowers,consult the dozens of experienced teacher,study the flowers in the world of thousands of growth process,using the latest grafting technique,use the most suitable for sunshine,the most suitable humidity,temperature,the most appropriate fertilizer cultivating and into.This is me,a love ideas,does not fear the difficulty,and willing to accept challenge and climb the peak of science,the I.这就是20年后的我,在平凡的岗位上,做一个勇敢诚实、经得起诱惑,善于观察、细心勤劳、无私奉献,爱动脑筋、不怕困难、敢于接受挑战、永攀科学高峰的我,在平凡中超越自我,做出骄人的成绩!This is 20 years of I,in the ordinary post,be a brave and honest,can withstand the temptation,observant,attentive hard working,selfless dedication,thinks,does not fear the difficulty,and willing to accept challenge and climb the peak of science,of me,in the ordinary self,made proud achievements!



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