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2020-10-28 08:50:01

父爱如天,母爱如地 这句话说得一点也没错,在我的父母的身上我深深地感受到了那无比的伟大的父爱和母爱。 Father such as days, motherly love such as this saying is true, in my parents I deeply feel the great great father and mother.


My mother, she is a kind, amiable person, a person and I very tolerant of people, why do I say that? Because of her love for me is beyond measure, when I was young, I have done something wrong or broke his things for the family, she will not go to beat me, only to me two times, I don t touch the home place objects, especially the jade like glass in particular, easily broken. After I grew up, I gradually grow up! See their parents every day to work tired, I want to do everything in one s power be torn with grief, to share some of the things for them, but they wouldn t let me do that, I was reading, they are willing to endure hardship, do not let me worry about them, their selfless love makes me feel so warm.


My father, he is a serious and kind person, he is serious to me, that is, I don t listen to teach me, asked me to do a good boy, polite, but he was in a serious condition, he is not easily beat and scold me, from this he is a man, he is a kind, caring for their children, he is a very responsible person, he is a didn t love easily angry people. When I made some mistakes when he was able to calmly told me the truth, and teach me to know, don t make a mistake, under their well bred, I become more sensible, every day for our children a late night, tired, so I have to reflect on their own and his long so big, how can let parents to worry about us?



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