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英语作文:Thejobilike为题写一篇作文不少于80词 介绍喜欢的一份工作 喜欢的原因和

2020-10-28 13:25:01

The job I like The doctor is my favourite job.It is a decent profession.The doctor never has to stay out under the hot sunshine,or in the cold wind.He always works in a clean room with air conditioning.Sitting in the comfortable chair,he diagnoses the sick without any compassion,no matter how serious or what pain the patient feels.After listening to a little description of the anxious patient,he may interrupt the patient and tell him or her to take a long list of body check.Like for example,the blood test,the X ray,CT and so on.After these checks,the doctor tells the exhausting patient while scanning the test report,“It’s nothing serious.Take the medicine and have a good rest.” Besides,the doctor gets high pay.Everyone likes to be such a doctor.So do I.

英语作文:Thejobilike为题写一篇作文不少于80词 介绍喜欢的一份工作 喜欢的原因和这份工作给自己带来的乐趣 在工作上的成就感.中英文对照谢谢

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  1. 2021-03-05 08:07卍呓语笑浮生卐[江苏省网友]IP:3407977480


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