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英语作文 my dream 成为nba球员

2020-10-28 15:15:01

My Dream of NBAEveryone cherishes his ideals and we strive,in one way or another,to realize our ideals.One should be sensible whether ones ideal is realistic or not.If it is,one has to plan and work hard for its realization.Effort,skill and persistence are all necessary.And very often,one has to get help from others,including advice and support in diffhrent forms.I like basketball and my dream is that I will be a basketball player in NBA some day.In order to realize the ideal,I practise hardly everyday.When Im free,I usually watch sports programs on TV especially competitions of NBA.I think that my ideal will come true as long as I persist in the end .My dream is being a real NBA player like YaoMing.This dream is not easy to achieve because my basketball skill is limited and i am not as tall as YaoMing.I know there is only one way to help me to achieve my dream,that is hard training!I am training hard and i can touch my improvement everyday!I believe that no dream is unachievable to a willing heart!我的梦想是成为一个像姚明一样真正的NBA球星.这个梦想不是那么容易实现因为我球技不好而且没有姚明那么高我知道只有一个方法可以让我实现我党梦想 那就是努力训练!我每天都在努力训练并且可以用内心感触到自己每天都在进步!我相信 对于拥有渴望与执着的心的人 没有什么梦想是不可以实现的!



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