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2020-10-31 16:10:01

If I were headmaster, I will work wholeheartedly to care about each and every teacher, concerned about each students emotions. Management process in schools to encourage advanced spur lagging behind, a student does not give up. Will also hold regular meetings of teachers and students, and teachers and students to speak freely, listen to their voice, to adopt their recommendations to rationalize. Teaching in education, paying attention to the discovery and development of special interest in students, the establishment of a number of interest groups so that each students success are affixed with labels, can be raised to the success of the first on the other side. If I were a headmaster, I want my vibrant campus, you can see the beautiful flowers, green grass, lush trees, the sun shines bright on campus. If I were a headmaster, I must be the best president 假如我是校长,我会全心全意地工作,去关心每一位老师,关心每一位同学的喜怒哀乐。在学校管理过程中,鼓励先进,鞭策后进,不放弃一个学生。还要定期召开教师会和学生会,并让老师们和学生们自由发言,倾听他们的心声,采纳他们合理化的建议。在教育教学中,注意发现和发展学生们的兴趣特长,建立多个兴趣小组,让每个同学都贴有成功的标签,能昂起头走向成功的彼岸。假如我是校长,我要让我的校园生机勃勃,随处可见娇艳的小花,嫩绿的小草,郁郁葱葱的大树,灿烂的太阳普照校园。假如我是校长,我一定要最一个最好的校长! 追问: 我估计老师也看不懂



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