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2020-10-31 20:55:01

Computers make our life different. Computres are being used more and more extensively in the world today! In the past, We get information by reading book and newspaper and waching TV! Nowadays we can use computers surfing the Internet to have word straightway! In the past, we get in touch with others by writing letters,telegraph and phone. Nowadays we can use computer sending E mail and online QQ. In the past, we have to go to school studying and when we come across a new word,we need look it up in a dicitionary. Nowadays we can take part in e schools and search ingformation online. In the past,we enjoy oueselves by listening radio,watching TV and shoping. Nowadays we use computer shopping online, reading varieties of magazines and enjoying music and so on! In a word, computers chang our life!基本上是按照翻译的,我英语也不好,看没有人回答,我就试试了,错误的地方还请见谅



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