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2020-11-01 01:15:01

做不妨碍他人的人古人云:“做好事难,一生都做好事更难.”要做个不妨碍他人的人更是难上加难.小时候,自己看到母亲打扫房子忙得不可开交,自己好希望能够帮上母亲的忙,看到母亲要擦窗户了,就提着装满水的小水桶吃力地向妈妈那边挪去,不料,被脚下的玩具绊了一跤摔倒在地,水桶翻了,衣服也弄湿了,妈妈赶紧跑了过来,心疼地问:“摔疼了没?”我使劲地摇摇头,生怕母亲会怪自己.虽然她并没有怪我什么,只是提着水桶再去装水,可是我心里明白自己帮了倒忙,妨碍了妈妈打扫.第一次认为,妨碍就是捣乱.后来慢慢长大,很看重友谊,很怕孤独寂寞,上课总喜欢跟同学传传纸条,低声说些悄悄话,孰不知,成绩慢慢下降,以至于没考上自己理想的高中.今天遇到中学同学,大家都在责怪当时班风太差,某某同学经常上课捣乱,影响自己的学习.后来再细想,自己当时何尝不是这样?第二次发觉,妨碍他人就是不顾场合,毫无约束地胡作非为.前几天,天气突变,下了好大的雨,道路上积满了水,由于逆风,拼命踏着脚踏车,手中还撑着一把伞,忽然,一辆很酷的黑色汽车从我身边疾驰而过,水花四溅,毫不客气地飞向我这边,结果衣服鞋子“壮烈牺牲”了……心里愤愤不平,明明都已经惨不忍睹了,竟还来个“雪上加霜”.心里冒出一句:“这家伙,到底有没有公德心啊!”现在恍然大悟,妨碍他人就是没有公德心的表现.妨碍他人的定义不知不觉地在我心中发生了变化,或许妨碍他人在每个人心目中都有不同的定义,孔子所说的小人“不成人之美,成人之恶”这不就是妨碍他人的人吗?所以,我们做事应处处为别人着想,考虑到自己的所作所为是否会妨碍到他人.在学习中,我们也要具有不妨碍他人之心,上课认真听讲,不开小差,就不用老师停下来批评提醒自己;上课不讲话,就不会影响周围同学的认真听讲,这也是有公德心的体现.虽然这只是微不足道的小事,甚至是应自觉遵守的课堂纪律,但却考虑到别人,为他人着想,这正是具有公德心的表现.从身边的小事做起,多为他人着想.要做好事,就要先做一个不妨碍他人的人.译文Do not disturb other people An old saying: "do good is difficult, life is more difficult to do good." To be a person without prejudice of others is even harder. Childhood, his mother clean the house too busy to see that he really wanted to help the busy mother, that mother should Cachuang Hu, and on carrying a small bucket filled with water to the mother struggling to move to the other side, unexpectedly was tripped at the foot of the toy to the ground, a bucket and turned over, clothes wet, and her mother quickly ran up, distressed and asked: "drop pain yet?" Im wildly shook her head, for fear of the mother will blame themselves. Although she did not blame me for anything, just go carrying buckets filled with water, but I knew his disservice, preventing mother to clean. For the first time that the trouble is hampered. I gradually began to grow, it is valued friendship, afraid of loneliness, class always like to pass with students passing notes, whispering low voice say, everyone knows, success slowly decreased, so did not plan their ideal high school. Secondary school students face today, everyone in the class to blame the wind was bad, a certain class disruptive students often affect their learning. Later, on further reflection, his was not it the same? The second find, prevent others caring for the occasion, there is no restriction to abuses. A few days ago, the weather mutations, the next several big rain, the road filled with water, due to wind, desperately marching bicycle, hands also propped an umbrella, suddenly, a cool black car from me gallop and over, and splash unceremoniously flew my side, the result clothes and shoes "heroic death" a ... ... heart indignant, apparently have been terrible, and went so far to a "worse." Blurting mind: "This guy, in the end there is not civic minded ah!" Now suddenly it is not civic minded hinder the performance of others. Prevent the definition of others unknowingly changed my mind, perhaps prevent others in the eyes of each person has a different definition of the villain Confucius said, "does not oblige, adult evil" Is not that disturb other people it? Therefore, we should be doing everything for others, taking into account whether their actions will prevent another person. During the study, we have to have a heart, without prejudice to others, attend a lecture class, not deserted, the teachers do not have to remind myself to stop criticism; class does not speak, will not affect the surrounding students listened to the lectures, this is a civic virtue expression. Although this is trivial matter, even should consciously abide by the classroom discipline, but taking into account other people, considerate of others, this is a civic minded performance. From the side of the little things, and more considerate of others. To do good, we should do first one without prejudice to other people.



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