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积极的心态 坚定的信心 是战胜困难的重要力量。请用英语写一篇100

2020-11-01 22:50:01

One possible version:It is well known that we exist in a dynamic world with various difficulties. When we are faced with them, nothing is more important than hope and self confidence. With confidence, we can find sometimes the trouble is not as “huge” as we imagine.Take most of us for example, the college entrance exam seems to be a horrible monster. Not surprisingly, some students tend to give up when faced with difficulties. By contrast, others with confidence always seem to end up on top. They seem to overcome the obstacles that stand in their way. In my opinion, with confidence, right assessment of the difficulties, as well as full preparation, try and exert our strength, and then one will overcome most problems and challenges. On the whole, I believe we youngsters should face the difficulties bravely, and the confidence obtained from solving problems will help us grow and expand.试题分析:本文是篇材料作文,材料非常简单,学生很容易把握写作要求和写作目的。考生在写作之前必修认真审题,首先要注意文章的时态,要求是对学生日常生活中存在的浪费现象,所以要用一般现在时。要求让你给校长写信,因此本文必须用第一人称we。再有就是不能根据材料逐字逐句的翻译应该注意句子的衔接,以提高作文的档次。亮点说明文中使用了非常好的短语和句子为文章增色不少,比如be faced with,take for example, not surprisingly,give up等,还运用了It is adj that引导的主语从句等等。并注意了句子的衔接如:by contrast,on the whole,in my opinion,as well as等。 马上分享给同学



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