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英语作文 写一个人的成长蜕变过程.内容要求:1.变化前后分别是什么样子2.促成你转变的

2020-11-02 08:45:01

Everyone would change and when they change, they would learn from it. From young to mature, from failure to success, we experience changing all the time, and I also have gone through a change that made my life more meaningful. When I was in grade 11, I thought studying is so easy, so I only study on the night before the exam. Then, when I went out to talk to people, I found myself speechless as I have nothing else to say besides school material. Therefore, I started reading books in my spare time. Now I have acquired the habit of reading. Although I have less time to hang out with my friends, Ive learnt a lot from reading and I could have a academic conversation with many people , and I enjoy it.

英语作文 写一个人的成长蜕变过程.内容要求:1.变化前后分别是什么样子2.促成你转变的原因是什么作业帮



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