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一篇dream的作文 两百字左右 我的梦想是当设计师作业帮

2020-11-02 09:30:01

题目:My dream job designerI have dream since I was a little children — I want to be a designer when I grow up. I have searched and gathered lots of information and I know I have to put in all my effort in order to be a designer. I demand a free lifestyle without fixed working time. According to some information, designers have freedom and they can choose to work anywhere at any time as long as they can finish their work. It is very suitable for me. In order to be designer, I must be hard working and creative.I believe that I can be successful.



前行作文600字 向往的生活作文 关于奉献的作文 雪作文300字 冬天作文500字 初春的作文 春节作文的开头 奋斗作文800 乡村景色作文 说明文作文400字 积极向上的作文 真情流露作文 英语作文30字 杭州西湖 作文 梧桐树 作文 黄鹤楼作文 礼物作文400字 腊梅作文 醒来 作文 碰撞作文 旅行作文600字 写人叙事作文 青春作文500字 描写妈妈的作文 植物作文400字 关于想象的作文 游乐场的作文 人工智能作文 二年级作文题目 第一次作文400字