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压力过大也会导致肥胖 – 木木英语作文网

2020-11-02 12:00:01


Between wine, ice cream and cheesy pizza, often people think they need something to make them feel better when they re struggling and these things work as perfect instant gratification.

葡萄酒、冰淇淋或者奶酪披萨,人们在遇到困难时往往认为需要些“让他们感觉更好”的东西 而上述那些东西能让他们立刻满足。

One Australian author wants to change the way we see stress in order to stop it from making us fat and change our perceptions1 of good and bad.

澳大利亚一名作家想改变我们看待压力的方式 从而防止压力使人们发胖,并且改变我们对好与坏的看法。

You will never get rid of stress completely, Luke Mathers, author of the new book, Stress Teflon, told Daily Mail Australia.

新书《Stress Teflon》的作者卢克·马瑟斯向《每日邮报》透露:“你永远也不会完全摆脱压力。”

I want to open people s mind to the possibility that stress can be a good thing. By looking at stress in a more positive light, we can start to utilise it as a way to embrace the challenges in life.


So how can you learn to stop stress from making you put on weight, and see it in a more positive light?


According to Mr Mathers, you need to acknowledge2 stress for what it is, put it in perspective, and then make a choice:


There is always a fork in the stress road, he explained. One road uses the challenge response and makes stress a force for being effective and getting things done. The other fork in the road sees stress as a threat.


You don t have to avoid stress; you just have to re frame it as a challenge. Knots in the stomach then become a sign that you care about something and not a cue3 to fight or flight.


When it comes to your weight, Mr Mathers agrees that this is hard:


No one has ever come home after a hard, stressful day at work and said: I really need a controlled portion of celery sticks and fat free hummus , he said.

“没有人会在辛苦工作一天之后回到家,然后说: 我真的要吃一小份芹菜梗和无脂鹰嘴豆泥 。”

But he argues that booze, chocolate or double cheese nachos don t really help with the underlying4 chemistry of stress .


Eating high calorie, comfort foods while your blood is full or cortisol and sugar will ensure that any excess energy is stored as fat, he continued.




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