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找人写英语作文写一篇英语作文:Jenny随父母搬到一个陌生的城市 在生活和学习上都遇

2020-11-03 11:00:01

Dear Jenny,I heard you had moved to a new city and had some difficulties in your life and studies. I am sorry I can not help you now when you are unhappy, but I could give you some suggestions.Firstly, I think the most important thing is confidence. I believe, we all believe you can live happily there. What you just need is some time to get use to it.Secondly, you could ask your parents and teachers for help when you have difficulties in your life and studies.At last, do remember don’t give up anything. Keep trying and you will be better soon.

找人写英语作文写一篇英语作文:Jenny随父母搬到一个陌生的城市 在生活和学习上都遇到了困难 心情很不好 请以好朋友的名义写信安慰她 并提出有益建议 让她重拾快乐!字数在70~80个左右 作业帮



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