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求一篇描写成都的英语作文!包括了成都的历史文化 美食文化 以及著名旅游景点锦里和

2020-11-05 13:30:02

Chengdu is the capital of "Heavenly State" , habitat of giant pandas and city of cotton rose hibiscus. Located in the west of Sichuan Basin and in the center of Chengdu Plain, Chengdu covers a total area of 12.3 thousand square kilometres with a population of over 11 million.Benefiting from Dujiangyan Irrigation Project which was constructed in 256 B.C., Sichuan Province is reputed as "Tian Fu Zhi Guo", literally a place richly endowed with natural resources. Chengdu, as the capital, is extremely productive. The Min and Tuo Rivers, two branches of the Yangtze River, connected to forty other rivers, supply an irrigation area of more than 700 square kilometres with 150 180 million kilowatts of water. Consisting of abundant mineral resources, the land is extremely fertile.

求一篇描写成都的英语作文!包括了成都的历史文化 美食文化 以及著名旅游景点锦里和宽窄巷子作业帮



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