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我的收藏品 英语作文

2020-11-05 14:15:01

Me and my familys collection Everyone has their own favorites, and I am no exception.Photograph of calligraphy such as the wall of my house, it was two years ago, calligraphy teacher presented to me, I have been very good care of it, seeing it as treasure.In addition to this, I have a Chinese masterpieces of calligraphy, it is my baby.Of course, do not think I will only collection of calligraphy, I have a beautiful Transformers model.Oh, I almost forgot his fathers car, thats right, his collection is this.There are laptop mother, oh, this is a collection of the mother. Oh, my collection is that these, How about you?翻译:我与家人的收藏 每个人都有自己的收藏,我也不例外。比如我家墙上的那幅书法,那是两年前书法老师赠送给我的,我一直很爱护它,把它视作珍宝。除了这个,我还有一套《中国传世书法》,它也是我的宝贝。当然,不要以为我只会收藏书法,我还有一个精美的变形金刚模型。Oh,我差点忘了爸爸的轿车,没错,他的收藏品就是这个,呵呵。还有妈妈的笔记本电脑哦,这是妈妈的收藏。 呵呵,我的收藏就是这些,你呢?



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