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2020-11-06 17:50:01

on friendship friendship means being friendly to each other or making friends with one another. human beings are social animals. they do not live in isolation.they need each other both physically and emotionally. however, some people distort friendship by forming small groups that are harmful to others, or even to the whole community. in university some students from the same city or province form an association to help each other. but such associations often exclude students from other parts of the country, and thus do not promote friendship in a broad sense. true and lasting friendship is based on a more solid foundarien. real friends share the same ideals. while marching toward their common objective, they help each other. if one makes a mistake, his friend will not hesitate to point it out for him, because he knows the frank criticism will help him. what we need is this type of genuine friendship.

论友谊 友谊意味着彼此友好相处或与他人交朋友。人类是一种社会动物,他们不能孤立存在,他们在生理上和情感上都彼此需要。 然而,有人却把组建对付他人、甚至于危害整个社会的小团体曲解为友谊。 大学里,来自同一城市或同一省份的一些学生组成一个社团,彼此互相帮助。但这样的社团往往排斥了来自其他地区的学生,因此从广义上讲,这并不能促进友谊。 真正而持久的友谊是以更为牢固的根基为基础的。真正的朋友拥有共同的理想。 当他们向共同的目标迈进时,彼此相互帮助。若一个人犯了错,他的朋友会毫不犹豫地为他指出来,因为他知道真诚的批评会对他有益。我们需要的就是这种真正的友谊。



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