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2020-11-07 20:10:01

猜题理由高中教学越来越倾向于实践性,做调查是一种很基础的应用形式。调查报告也成为高中生应该掌握的一种文体,作为近两年越来越盛行的文体,高考英语作文也不能避免调查报告。这不仅考察学生的英语水平,更考察他的逻辑思维,严谨。 预测题目最近,你作为研究性学习课题组的成员就高中英语新教材的看法在同学中间开展了一次调查,调查的结果如下: 请根据以上调查结果,写一份简单的调查报告。报告的开头已给出。 只能使用5个句子表达全部的内容。 句子结构准确,信息内容完整、连贯。 I recently surveyed my classmate s about their views on the new English textbook. 参考范文 I recently surveyed my classmates about their views on the new English textbook.According to the survey, 80% of the students were quite satisfied with it, while 15%disliked it and 5%had no opinion. Students who liked it said the pictures with the texts were very attractive, which greatly aroused their interests in learning.Moreover, the book was very interesting, covering many hot topics and providing lots of cultural knowledge of the world.However, students who disliked it complained there were too many new words and difficult sentences,making the texts difficult to understand.In conclusion, the new English textbook has helped most students improve their English enormously.



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