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两篇初二命题英语作文 下面是一份你们学校学生到校所乘坐的交通工具的调查结果 请你

2020-11-07 20:10:01

How do students get to our school? How do students get to our school? I think walking is the most popular of transportation in our school.Do you know why ? Here are the results of activities survey.Because most students` home are near our school. Many students take the bus or the car to our school. Some students go to our school by subway or by bike.But nobody take the train or the plane to our school. Because of their home from our school not so far.How about yours? Dear Wei Hua, Thanks for your invition. I am so sorry I can`t come to your birthday party. Because I am very busy . On Monday, I will go to Wuhai and I am staying there for four days. On Friday, I have to go to my piano class. On Saturday afternoon, I will visit my friend in the hospital. So I am sorry I can`t come to your birthday party. Maybe another time I will come to in your birthday party. Yours Lin Tao

两篇初二命题英语作文 下面是一份你们学校学生到校所乘坐的交通工具的调查结果 请你仔细阅读表格.并根据表格中的内容写一份调查报告.描述一下你学校的同学上学所乘坐的交通工具 并



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