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对我的人生最有影响的人The Most Influential Person in My Lif

2020-11-08 01:35:01

just like anyone else s, my life is influenced by many people. then who is the most influential one? my answer is certainly to be ms he .

ms he was my chinese teacher when i was in junior middle school. she was very fat and wore a pair of thick glasses. so in fact, we didn t like her when she first appeared in our class. however, just as she began to speak, we were attracted. different from other teachers, she was cordial and always smiled. immediately we also found that she was knowledgeable.since she had just graduated, she had little teaching experience. but this didn t matter. by her own means, she was able to teach us a lot. i know it later that she made great efforts on her work. for example, she often looked at herself in the mirror to exercise to control laugh in class. and for a girl who liked laughing very much, controlling laugh was difficult.

besides, she was so young, amiable and unbiased that we liked to chat with her after class. she could understand us very well, even our early love. after patient listening, she would give us suggestions or ways to deal with things.therefore, it s absolutely true that ms he won the respect of us all. we have graduated for several years, but we still miss her very much and often send our regards and wishes to her.

indeed i admire and even envy her. i think she is very successful and happy. so as early as my junior middle school days, i began to like her career. after university entrance examination, i chose english teaching as my major. she has set a great example for me, and i would try my best to learn from her, not only in teaching, but also in human dignity.




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