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英语作文 给建设新型小区提点建议

2020-11-09 07:10:01

Now email has been widely came into our life, be a lot of people love, because its fast and convenient advantage to us, we can know the people around him doing, thinking of the situation. By email, we can go to share their friends and the happiness and sadness. If one of us upon trouble and difficulties, and the others will help him as soon as they learned from this news he or from a friend know, got there before them. We used a letter sent to you see, even if a Courier, news will come to us some days later, when his friend will not escape.On the other hand, email sometimes put us at a serious disadvantage. Some say email address is in the worst of development the way in which we communicate. First, it speed increase unnecessary stress in the workplace; In addition, junk mail receiving our computer blocked; Also, people lost the art of writing. In fact, all the factors are its shortcomings. However, we can only pay more attention to them, we can overcome these weaknesses. First of all, one can save his business email all ready. Second, we should ignore the electronic mail, we dont have to open them to keep our computer jams. Although a computer is a useful tool to work and learning, we should often practice our calligraphy, because it is our traditional way to study.

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  1. 2022-02-22 17:44腻我心i[陕西省网友]IP:3407887588
  2. 2020-12-29 09:19一只叫秋堇的猫[湖南省网友]IP:1731114869
  3. 2019-11-05 00:54い愛袮無聲い[河南省网友]IP:1743435188


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