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2020-11-10 03:30:01

作文「英语作文关于图书馆」共有 3060 个字,其中有 848 个汉字,1954 个英文,77 个数字,181 个标点符号。作者佚名,请您欣赏。玛雅作文网荟萃众多优秀学生作文,如果想要浏览更多相关作文,请使用网站顶部的作文搜索引擎进行搜索。本站作文虽然不乏优秀之作,但仅为同学们学习交流的习作,不能当作范文使用,希望对同学们有所帮助。

第1篇:图书馆使用规章 Rules for Library Use

Library is of great use for students and some students reflect that library management is a little confusing. In order to keep our library in a good order, we make some rules of borrowing books and library use.


1 The library opens from 3 P.M. to 5 P.M..

2 Everyone must use his own card to borrow books.

3 Everyone can only borrow three books from the library once.

4 Each book can be kept for a month. Ifit has to be keptlonger,itsrequired to renew it.

5 If the books lost, the borrower must pay for them.

6 Some important books are not allowed to be taken out of the library. If they are needed, they can beborrowedread in the library.







We hope that all students can obey these rules strictly.


第2篇:用英语写信介绍学校图书馆的基本情况 2006年高考英语全国卷II满分作文

2006年高考英语全国卷ii作文试题回放假定你是李华。应英国朋友bob的要求, 写一封短信介绍你校图书馆的基本情况。内容须包括下面两幅图中的相关信息。





dear bob,

thank you for your last letter asking about our library. our library locates between the teaching building and our garden. the shape of it seems to be a book to welcome our students. it s open from monday to friday ,and we can borrow the books from 9:00a.m. to 7:00p.m.

there are many books available in our library ,dealing with almost every subject. not only the books, but also the magazines can be read here. you may borrow up to five books at a time, and keep them for at most ten days.

due to the library , we are offered a place to gain as much knowledge as we can. if you are interested in it, welcome to our school, and i ll show you around.


We often go there to look for books which we want to borrow or to read articles which we like to consult. Our library provides all useful reading matter and reference materials according to our needs. Although we do not subscribe to any magazines or newspapers,we are well informed about the recent developments and new trends in the world as well as in our country.The library plays an important role in our college life.

我们的图书馆,A是一个繁忙的place.It开放为每天8:00 12:00在上午,下午1:30 5:30后中午,周日除外。该库包含了大量的各种书籍。你会发现在中国和外国语言文学和科学和技术书籍。在这栋楼,室,报纸和杂志。也许书籍占了一半以上的外语。我们经常去那里看看书,我们要借用或我们要咨询。我们的库提供了所有有用的读物和参考材料,根据我们的需要。虽然我们不订阅任何杂志或报纸,我们都了解最近的事态发展和新趋势,在世界上以及在我国图书馆在的学习中起着重要的作用。





假定你是李华。应英国朋友Bob的要求, 写一封短信介绍你校图书馆的基本情况。内容须包括下面两幅图中的相关信息。





Dear Bob,

Thank you for your last letter asking about our library. Our library locates between the teaching building and our garden. The shape of it seems to be a book to welcome our students. it’s open from Monday to Friday ,and we can borrow the books from 9:00a.m. to 7:00p.m.

There are many books available in our library ,dealing with almost every subject. Not only the books, but also the magazines can be read here. You may borrow up to five books at a time, and keep them for at most ten days.

Due to the library , we are offered a place to gain as much knowledge as we can. If you are interested in it, welcome to our school, and I’ll show you around.

Yours sincerely,

Li hua






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