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英语作文如果我有100万 我将会 初二作文 学习升学入学

2020-11-10 06:55:01


英语作文如果我有100万,我将会 初二作文 ******[最佳答案] if i have one million, i will be used for the charity. this world war is, the injured man countless, i hope they can get good treatment. there are many places in the world are poor, and the children without a good education, do not have enough to eat and ...

如果我有100万 英语作文 ******[最佳答案] 假如我有500万if i have 5 million yuan if i have 5 million yuan, it is hard to say what i would do. maybe i would buy a thousand books and watch a thousand films and i would buy one dog, one bird and one cat. i would buy a grand house for my ...

假如我有100万英语作文 ******[最佳答案] If I had a million dollars If i had a million dollars I would buy a big house for my parents. If I had a million dollars I would give it to medical research.If I had a million dollars, I would also build a school for children.Because I want more than children to go to school. 写的时候注意虚拟语气.

翻译下列句子.1. 保持健康对我们来说很重要.to keep healthy. 上学...******[最佳答案] if I have 1,000,000,what will I do ?I will buy a big house for my parents .because their my the most important people.And I will help the people in trouble,for example,the poor chilren......if I have 1,000,000,I will spend it in need.呵呵,写的不好,我才初二呵.

假如我有100万 用英语写一篇作文 简短点的 ******[最佳答案] If I have 1 million, I m going to have a difficult children donations; If I have 1 million, I want to feed the flat trapped rural road bridge

求一篇关于《假如我有一百万》英语作文?******[最佳答案] If I have one million yuan one day. I will buy a big house with a swimming pool and a very beautiful garden for poor people first.Then some of the money will be given to some poor children ,because I think they need the money best.Finally I want to ...

假如你有一百万你会做什么英语作文300zi******[最佳答案] 如果我有一百万美元,我要偿还学生贷款,然后买一套房子,虽然我可能在这个市场等好几年,直到我们了解更多的要发生什么实际上是对房地产行业的贷款.我会投资了大量的其他部分,虽然我也不知道,即兴在我的头上.那么多的钱超出我...

假如我有一百万的英文作文******[最佳答案] 初三上第四课虚拟语气的.......应该用HAD吧......它是虚拟的啊,你不可能有100万美金啊.....也不是不可能了.....

如果你有100万,你会做什么?英语作文******[最佳答案] 我会帮助没有家的孩子给一的爱心



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