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2020-11-10 08:50:01

Busy schedules of both parents and children make it harder to have "family dinners." But families may not be aware of the benefits that come with regularly eating together at the table. Research suggests that having dinner together as a family at least four times a week has positive effects on child development. Family dinners have been linked to a lower risk of obesity, substance abuse, eating disorders, and an increased chance of graduating from high school. Conversation Eating dinner together as a family provides the opportunity for conversation. This lets parents teach healthy communication without distractions from smart phones, television, computers, and mobile devices. By engaging your children in conversation, you teach them how to listen and provide them with a chance to express their own opinions. This allows your children to have an active voice within the family. Conversations at the dinner table expand the vocabulary and reading ability of children, regardless of socioeconomic status. Family dinners allow every family member to discuss his or her day and share any exciting news. Use these tips to encourage conversation: " Discuss the childs day. Express an interest in your childs daily life. " Discuss current events. Bring up news thats appropriate for your childs age. " Let all family members talk. Be an active listener and be sure your child learns to listen as well. " Encourage your child to participate. Do not underestimate your childs ability to hold a conversation. Developmental Benefits The sense of security and togetherness provided by family meals helps nurture children into healthy, well rounded adults. Frequent family dinners have a positive impact on childrens values, motivation, personal identity, and self esteem. Children who eat dinner with their family are more likely to understand, acknowledge, and follow the boundaries and expectations set by their parents. A decrease in high risk behaviors is related to the amount of time spent with family especially during family dinners. To make the most of your family mealtime, follow these guidelines: " Turn off television, radio, mobile devices, etc., during dinner. " Have family dinners at least four or five times a week. " Enjoy positive conversation during the meal. " Spend an hour eating dinner, conversing, and cleaning up together. Nutritional Benefits Eating dinner together as a family also encourages healthy eating habits and provides a model for children to carry with them into adulthood. Studies show family dinners increase the intake of fruits and vegetables; families who eat dinner together tend to eat fewer fried foods and drink less soda; and family meal frequency is linked to the intake of protein, calcium, and some vitamins. Here are some mealtime suggestions: " Cook as a family and include everyone in the preparation process. " Experiment with fun recipes. " Remake old recipes with healthier alternatives. " Have "theme" cuisine nights such as Italian, Mexican, or Caribbean. " Know your childrens favorite meals and cook them on a rotating basis. " Create your own recipes. Nightly family dinners may require effort in planning, but the benefits in mental and physical health to you and your family are more than worth it. 重点搭配和句子摘抄: Busy schedules : 繁忙的日程 make it harder to xxx: 做xxx变得更加困难 may not be aware of :可能没有意识到 has positive effects on xxx:对xxx有积极的影响 Family dinners have been linked to a lower risk of obesity, substance abuse, eating disorders, and an increased chance of graduating from high school. 家庭晚餐会降低肥胖、滥用药物、紊乱的饮食习惯的风险,同时也能增加高中毕业的概率。 provides the opportunity for xxx:提供去xxx的机会 without distractions from smart phones, television, computers, and mobile devices 没有手机、电视、电脑和移动设备的干扰 provide them with a chance to express their own opinions. 给他们提供机会表达他们的观点 this allows your children to xxx :这让你的孩子xxx expand the vocabulary and reading ability of children: 增加孩子的词汇量和阅读能力 regardless of socioeconomic status:不管你的社会地位怎么样 discuss his or her day and share any exciting news: 讨论TA的一天、分享令人兴奋的 Bring up news: 提起 Be an active listener :做一个积极的倾听者 The sense of security and togetherness :安全感和归属感 helps nurture children into healthy, well rounded adults 帮助把孩子培养成健康、全面发展的成年人 Frequent family dinners have a positive impact on childrens values, motivation, personal identity, and self esteem. 经常的家庭晚宴对孩子的价值观、动力、人格和自尊有积极的影响。 understand, acknowledge, and follow the boundaries and expectations set by their parents:理解、认识到并能遵从家长设立的界限和期望 decrease in high risk behaviors :降低高风险的行为 encourages healthy eating habits :鼓励健康饮食习惯 provides a model for xxx:为xxx提供了一个范式 increase the intake of fruits and vegetables:增加水果、蔬菜的摄入 is linked to the intake of protein, calcium, and some vitamins:跟蛋白质、钙和其他维生素的摄入有关系 on a rotating basis: 轮流 the benefits in mental and physical health:身心健康的好处 Citation: http://solutionsforyourlife.ufl.edu/hot topics/families and consumers/family dinners.shtml 适用题目: Nowadays it is not very important for families to regularly eat meals together. 作者简介: 孟炎,托福TOEFL口语优秀主讲师,毕业于密苏里大学哥伦比亚分校,经济学硕士,SAS高级程序员。托福114,GRE高分通过1330,2008年外研社全国大学生英语竞赛特等奖全省仅4人,演讲比赛优胜奖;全额奖学金获得者,曾在经济系任研究生助教教授美国本科生经济学课程。 微信号:244017295 新浪微博: nowhere erehwon 微信订阅号:kickassspeaking 收听音频答案和TPO综合口语答案请搜喜马拉雅主播:托福口语 转载,请注明来自微信订阅号:kickassspeaking 编辑推荐: 2016年北美留学申请托福成绩要求 编辑:马菲)



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