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一篇英语作文 一百字左右 假设你和朋友在一家餐馆吃饭 自编一段对话 相互介绍自

2020-11-10 15:25:01

I am sitting and chatting with the best friend Yoyo face to face on a dining table in a restaurant called "Xiang You Mei".We are discussing what we will have for lunch.Yoyo: "I am hungry.I want a large bowl of rice cover with vegetables and roast duck slices, and a cup of sweet soybean milk in hot."I:"I am not going to have rice for lunch. In my family,we eat rices for lunch and supper with dishes at home.So today I want a bowl of noodle, covering with a fried egg and meat 护肌篙可蕻玖戈雪恭磨rolls is my favorite.The noodle soup needs to be hot and sour with pepper.For drinking,I like soybean milk,too.Soybean milk is sweet and good for health.But I like a cup of cold milk without ice.When you eat the hot and sour noodle and feel sweaty,it is cool and enjoyable to drink a mouth of cold soybean milk!Yoyo:" I am not fond of pepper.Anyway,I will change my order of hot soybean milk to cold milk.Lets enjoy cold milk together."

一篇英语作文 一百字左右 假设你和朋友在一家餐馆吃饭 自编一段对话 相互介绍自己喜欢的食物和饮



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