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演讲稿 Speech

2020-11-11 01:05:01

投稿作者:殇望の彼婩学校:未提供投稿方式:电子邮件Good morning, ladies and gentlemen,早上好,女士们,先生们:It’s my honor to be here to share with you my growing pains. I hope you will like it and I also hope you can find gains in your pains.我很荣幸在这里与大家分享我成长的烦恼。希望你愿意听听,也希望你能在你的烦恼中得到收获。Whether you admit it or not, everyone has pains. If growing is a sheet of paper, pains are the color that won’t fade away. If growing is a cup of bitter tea, pains are the fragrance.不管你承认与否,每个人都有烦恼。如果成长是一张纸,烦恼是不会褪去的颜色。如果说成长是一杯苦茶,那么烦恼就是芬芳。I also have my own pains.我也有自己的烦恼。For example, my spoken English was not standard, but I didn’t realize it at the beginning, until my English teacher asked me to read a text, and all my classmates laughed at me. I really didn’t understand why they laughed at that time.比如,我的英语口语不是很标准,但是一开始我并没有意识到这一点,直到英语老师让我读一篇课文,所有的同学都嘲笑我。我那时候真不明白他们为什么笑。Later, my good friend told me that my pronunciation was really strange. It was my first time that I had read an English text in front of people, but failed. I felt very ashamed. Then, I didn’t want to speak English in front of anyone. I became reserved.后来,我的好朋友告诉我,我的发音真的很奇怪。这是我第一次在人们面前读英语课文,但是我失败了。我感到非常羞愧。然后,我不想在任何人面前说英语。我变得沉默了。When my English teacher knew it, he began to correct my pronunciation. With his help and encouragement, I put my heart into reading alphabets, words, phrases and texts. He told me that where there is a will there is a way. Thanks to him, I made great progress. I am very grateful to him, because he has helped me regain my confidence, and let me learn to smile when I face pains.当我的英语老师知道后,他开始纠正我的发音。在他的帮助和鼓励下,我全心全意投入到读字母表,单词,短语和文章上。他告诉我有志者,事竟成。多亏了他,我取得了很大的进步。我非常感谢他,因为他帮助我重新找回了信心,让我在面对痛苦的时候学会了微笑。Pains are a part of lives, a part of growing.烦恼是生活的一部分,是成长的一部分。My suggestion is to take a correct attitude towards pains during growing up, and then you will make a clean breast of pains, work out pains and thank pains. And you will enjoy a colorful and fruitful life. No pain, no gain.我的建议是要正确对待成长中的烦恼,然后你就会对烦恼有着清晰的认识,解决并感谢它。你将享有丰富多彩的生活。没有付出就没有收获。That’s all. Thanks for listening.就这样先了,谢谢聆听。 查看全文



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