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机遇能力英语作文!OpportunityandAbility 1 有人说机遇更重要2 有人说能力更重要3

2020-11-11 11:10:01

Both opportunity and ability are equal and important in success.If there is opportunity given but you do not have the ability,you will not have the gut to take up the opportunity.On the other hand,if you have the ability butyou will not given the opportunity,you will also not shine.Therefore to be successful,be ready and be prepared with all the knowledge you can acquired so as to strengthen your ability.Grasp the opportunity the moment it comes.Opportunity does not always come and it can come very fast and goes very fast.Only those who act fast grasp the opportunity.

机遇能力英语作文!OpportunityandAbility 1 有人说机遇更重要2 有人说能力更重要3 谈谈你的看法150词左右.作业帮



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