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2020-11-13 18:00:01

A friend from futureOne day I slept on the bed and thought something. At that time, a man with smiliar face was suddently appearing in front of me. "Who are you, my friend?" I asked with a little scare. "I am you and you are also me." He said. "But what do you mean, its impossible?" I asked with shocked. "Future, Im from future and Im who you will grow up."He said. I really didnt believe him so I asked him something privately of myself and to my surprise, he all answered with the right answer. "So, my friend, I believe you because noone can know my sercert except myself. So, why do you come here to meet me? Just say hello to me?" I asked. "You are right! Just because I have something trouble in the future and these trouble are brought from you. I cant sleep well because you always sleep irregular. I cant get along well with others because you are a pesssimsitic and inward man. I work hard everyday and earn less money just because you dont want to work hard. So my friend, please, for me and for you, let me and you bring a perfect future, do you like it ?"Said him. I was silent and felt ashame to him, finally I replied his requirement, "I will do my best to make my future a brighted future, just believe me." At the same time, he disappeared and I woke up. It was just a dream! But it was really a good dream!

显示评论内容(2) 收起评论内容
  1. 2021-07-29 17:51老子无畏[香港网友]IP:3389975854
  2. 2020-02-22 12:01英文歌九味羌活[云南省网友]IP:3407988779


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