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2020-11-13 21:15:01

Some people believe that a country becomes more interesting and develops faster when its population is mixed with different nationalities and cultures.To what extent do you agree or disagree with it? It is true in my country nowadays that the population coexists with various nationalities and culture. This not only reflects that my country is actively accepting different cultures and lifestyles, but also indicates that my country is facing new challenges and opportunities. Today it is said by a group of people that the country would be increasingly fascinating and make a rapid progress. I tend to think this sensible especially when seeing modern young people absorb novel things from international visitors and cultures. Therefore, the life becomes richer, while the views are wider than before. Another advantage of this is that along with international population up, international businesses change for the better. Some of the people tend to run small business of selling some special offers in their countries, while others often sell some materials in my country to any other parts of the world. However,there are still several problems of this trend. These days, what worry people is a small group of young people is badly affected by some negative things from the international cultures. They include some extreme ways of living and negative lifestyles. But, these should not be the wrong of international cultures or visitors. Measures should be taken to enforce education for young people in judging right and wrong. All in all, my view is that the government ought to encourage more international cultures and people to come in our society. In the meanwhile, the schools and the public organizations are expected to help young people learn and selectively enjoy the international cultures, and get along well with international visitors by education and guidance.



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