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2020-11-14 01:35:01

2011北京中考 75.成长中每个人都要面对烦恼,并解决问题。假设你叫刘明, 是美国中学生艾丽的朋友,你收到了她的 Hi!Alice, hearfrom you. sometimeshave sameproblem. shereally needs money,you’d better lend her.You don’t need worrytoo much. She’ll probably pay you back when she has money. youdon’t lend her afraidyou may lose thinkeveryone may have trouble weshould help each other. So when my friends need money, trymy best helpthem. Maybe I’ll get hopewhat saidcan help you. LiuMing 2012东城二模 74.假设你叫李华,是美国中学生爱丽丝的笔友,你收到了她的 电子邮件。请给她回复,回 sameproblem. thinkyou need yourparents. First, ask your parents moreinformation about familyparty decidewhich moreimportant you.Second, tell your parents what you think about youdecide familyparty, you’d better tell them youlove them otherfamily members very much. Last politewhen refusing alwaysnecessary thinkcarefully before making hopewhat saidcan help you. LiHua 2012通州二模 66.假设你叫张明,收到了你的笔友 Tom 的一封信,请你给他 写一封回信。在信中回答他的问题,提出你的建议,并就此事谈 谈你的看法。 don’tthink our English teacher likes me. She wasn’t satisfied mebecause exam.My classmate Lucy got shepraised her. She said Lucy had tried her best spentmost time makesme unhappy. unfair.Do you have sameproblem? What do you think myEnglish teacher? What should sameproblem canunderstand you. don’tthink your idea right.She wasn’t satisfied youbecause she thought you should work harder. She yourstudy. thinkyou had better spend more time yourstudy, improveyour English. Your teacher pleasedwhen you make great progress. student,we should work hard ourlessons understandour teachers. 根据中英文提示,写出意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于60 你收到了来自好友ZhouNan 的一封来信,诉说了他现在与父母 之间交流的烦恼。请你根据他的来信,以好友Danny 的身份给他 写封回信,针对他的困惑及烦恼,阐述你对此问题的看法和建议。 DearZhou Nan thinkyou’re right youdon’t want yourparents any more. evenworse leavehome. sameproblem youdo. My parents felt unhappy when foundme listening MP3.When alsoshowed my good grades them.Now we can get eachother. myopinion, you’d better have yourparents acceptothers’ advice. goodidea musicafter doing your homework. sureyou can do well.109 words hearfrom you. understandyou, don’tthink you youdon’t want yourparents. evenworse leavehome. thinkyou should try your best themabout your problems. Don’t worry can’tunderstand you. You can ask your teacher help.You’d better listen MP3after doing your homework. sureyou can do well.(75 words) 假如你是Steven, Sunshine服务中心工作,你收到了 Hey 的来信。请给他写一封回信, DearHey, youcan’t get along yourparents, runningaway problemmight still matterhow far you run. Why don’t you have yourparents them?Just tell them what you’re thinking about. You may also come ourcenter wecan talk face youmay find ways workthings out. Hopeyou can get along well yourparents. 请你根据范文写一篇关于代沟方面的文章:(2011年丰台一模) 假设你是John,今天你在网上看到了下面的帖子。请根据帖子 内容,谈谈你的经历或看法, 并针对作者 DearElizabeth, happynow. verycommon problems.So don’t worry. Here havesome suggestions Firstly,you’d better make schedule,set up eachday showthem yourparents. Secondly,you should talk yourparents, telling them all work playmakes Jack dullboy. Please don’t them,which only makes things worse. lastthing dowhat you have promised. When findyou actproperly, worriedabout you. won’tset so many rules Pleasehave lookingforward hearinggood news from you. LiLin Whatdoesnt kill you actually makes you stronger? 人在一生中难免会有磕磕碰碰,而正是这些磕碰使得我们慢慢成长。苦难更能够考验一个人的人格与魅力。在苦难来临时,乐 观的人会选择积极面对,悲观的人选择怨天尤人。苦难能够磨练 一个人的意志,提高一个人的能力。我们在做一件事的时候,也 许会碰到困难与阻力,当做好这件事之后,无意之间收获了一份 经验和解决这类事情的能力。 现实生活中有许多这样的例子。总体而言,人生不如意十有八九,关键是不要知难而退。苦难不是用来打倒我们,而是我们成 长的营养品。 thinkso. makesus grow.Misery can test ones personality charm.Inhardship, optimistic people faceactively, pessimistic people choose blameeveryone oneself.Sufferingcan temper ones person.Whenwe do one thing time,wemay encounter difficulties resistance.Whilewhen we have thingdone we本文来自:WwW.BdfqY.Com 千叶帆文摘:面对生活中的困扰英 语作文ll, inadvertently we reaped thing.Inreal life,there examples.quit. word,suffering knockus down, necessarynutrition ourgrowth. 往往,那些曾经经历过挫折的人在面对生活的不如意时更豁达与自然,因为他们坚信他们有能力去解决它。人生不如意十有八 九,关键是不要知难而退。苦难不是用来打到我们,而是我们成 长的营养品 weall know ourlife .whether one has already stepped societylife stillstudied school,he shemore lessgo through adversity from different aspects workersneed workharder earnhis life hisfamily. studentsneed studyharder learnmore skills keepup society.Other people differentoccupations have other things worryabout. word,pressures ourlife. Often, those who have experienced moreopen minded lifesdisappointments one again, because Niveout ten,thekey quit.Suffering hitus, ourgrowth nutrients 篇三:上海初三2014一模英语作文题目 least60 words according givensituation 根据所给情景写一 篇不少于60词的短文 EnglishFestival yourschool every year. Some students think othersdon‘t think so. What do you think, why?(假设你们学校每年开展英语文化节活动,有些学生认为活动对 自己有帮助,有些则不这么认为,你的观点是什么?并说明理由。) least60 words littlemore fresh air, please”. 一点新鲜空气”为题完成一篇不少于60个词的海报,标点符号 不占格。 least60 words according givensituation 根据所给情景写一封不少于 60词的信,标点符号不占格。 假如你是ZhangLin,你的笔友Li Hua 来信询问你学英语的方法。 请你给他写一封回信, 并给他提一些学好英语的建议至少两条建议。回信的开头已给出,不计入总字数。 Dear Li Hua, yourletter. You asked me Yourssincerely, Zhang Lin least60 words according givensituation 根据所 给情景写一篇不少于60 Situation:Nowadays many students go underground?How do yougo school?What do you think 眼下不少学生骑自行车、乘私家车、乘地铁等方式上学。你是怎么去学校的?你觉得 你的方式如何?谈谈你的想法并简述其理由。 reference以下单词或词组可供选用: choice,convenient, save time, stop??from least60 words topic?let?s learn smile.?以“让我们学会微笑” 为题写一篇不少于60词的短文。 Suggestionpoints: doyou often smile yourdaily life? whyshould we learn smile?Give one twoexamples whatchanges wesee wesmile more often? least60 words topic“When oldperson fall down 以《当我看到老人在街上摔倒,我......》为题写一篇不少于60 个词的短文,标点符号不占格。 Reference words Use leasttwo traditionalvirtue 美德; /against;calm; get along least60 words according givensituation 根据所给情景写一封 假如你是Linda, 你收到英国笔友 Mark 的来信,他现住在北京 姑妈家,春节期间他收到 一些长辈给的压岁钱,请写一封回信,对有关“如何使用压岁钱”提出一些建议。) least60 words heavysmog day 一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。 提示:去年12月上旬,申城笼罩在茫茫的雾霾(was shrouded heavysmog)中,陷于 重度污染(severepollution)。人们戴口罩(wear masks)出行, 雾霾天给人们的健康带来危害,给生活和工作带来不便 (inconvenience)。请你就其中某一天,描述你的经历和感受。 least60 words mydear school!” 学校的一个建议!”为题写一篇不少于60 个词的短文,标点符 号不占格。 Whataren?t you satisfied yourschool? Your reasons? yoursuggestion? Wouldyou give your possible solutions? Supposeyou wegoing, Dad”. Please write 3 daytrip. 提示:近来“爸爸去哪 一封推荐信,推荐一个地方适合父亲与孩子一起共同度过一个三天两夜的旅行,并请至 少给出两个理由。Phrases reference(以下短语仅供参考) locatedin/on/atfamous share?withhave interest 注意:文中不得出现具体人名、校名等个人信息,否则不予评分。) DearEditor, least60 words topic“Haze weather 雾霾天“为题写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。 提示:近来人们深受雾霾天气的困扰,学习、工作、出行等都受到了不同程度的影响。 请简单描述一下雾霾天气给你带来的烦恼或不便,并谈谈你的建议或希望: reference.(以下词语仅供参考)outdoor activities, air quality. road safety.mask 口罩 improve, cancel. allow, control, prevent 注意:短文中不得出现考生的姓名、校名及其他相关信息,否则不予给分。 happymemory myJunior High School” least60 words givensituation(以“我初中时期的一次快乐回 忆”为题,谢一篇不少于60 词的文章。) 提示:初中时期留给我们很多快乐的回忆,你可以结合学习或生活中的某一个情景或具 体事例,例如:一次约会、一次活动等等,谈谈初中时期曾经留给你的一次快乐的回忆。 Phrases reference(以下短语仅供参考): springoutinga class meeting partytake part inplay withbe happy least60 words according givensituation. 1.提示:假设你是张翔,你的朋友孙磊上周来信说,他的同桌上课经常找借口跟他说话, 这使他非常苦恼,不知道如何处理这件事。请你给他写封信,提出一些建议并帮助他。 badfor;talk heart;try one?s best; after all; get least60 words about “以我相信我能 ”为题,写一篇不少于60 个词的短文,标点符号不占格。 Suggested points: Whydo think you can do youdo least60 words about goodway ”(在生活中,在学习技能等各方面,每个人都会有做某件事独特的非常有效的好方法,请以“一个 的好方法”为 题写一篇不少于60 个词的短文,标点符号不占格。)



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