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Problems in My Life我生活中的问题

2020-11-14 01:40:01

In the life, everybody has a lot of problem. For example, I am a wonderful student. I can usually get a high mark. I study very well. But sometimes I reckless of the examination, so, I can t do it very well. After the exam, I blow it. Most of my teachers usually apprehend me, but my mother sometimes makes little of me. She usually says that, Honey, why you blew the exam, don t forget, you are an excellent student, you must study hard, and you must get the high mark next exam.

When my mother says that, I always feel very chagrin. I am not oracle, why I can t make mistakes. But my father apprehends me. He thinks I am a children, so I can make a little mistake. I always study hard after I blew the exam, because my father cheers on me. I study hard for me, for him, of course, I study hard for my mother too.

When we barge up against, don t trepidation, don t be scared, and tell the tribulation to our kiths, they can help you.



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