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2020-11-14 05:50:01


高中英语作文不需要你写的多华丽,语句多优美。最重要的是 首先把句子写正确,没有语法和单词砸错误,然后再这个基础上 把一些单词进行替换就好,换一些高级词汇,给阅卷老师一个好的印象分,感觉你水平高。

比如重要的:低分词是:important,闪光高分词:vital 至关重要的;essential 必不可少的;significant 有重要意义的。



1.At present,there is a wide spread concern that……日前,某事引起普遍关注。

2.When it comes to…,some people think/believe that…, others are convinced that…当谈及…事,一些人认为…,另一些人认为…(这句真的超好用!)

3.As is often the case,………是常有的事。

4.It's no wonder/surprise that……某事不足为怪。

5.Attitudes towards sth. vary from person to person.人们对待某事的态度因人而异。

6.It's reported that… 据报道…It's believed that… 人们相信…It's hoped that… 人们希望…

7.As is known to us,…我们都知道…

8....,which attract/draw/catch our attention. 某事引起了我们的注意。


1.As far as I'm concerned,…… 在我看来…

2.I'm greatly convinced that…… 我深信…

3.I hold the view that…… 我持…的观点

4.Honestly /Frankly speaking,…… 老实说/坦率的说……

5.l think It's of great significance for us to do sth.我认为做某事有意义非凡。

6.from my point of view / in my view,...在我看来...

7.the best way to solve the problem is... 解决这个问题的最佳方式是...


1.It goes without saying that…不言而喻…

2.There is no doubt/denying that…毫无疑问…

3.It's high time that+ did/should do 该是做某事的时候了。

4.Only in this way can we …只有这样,我们才能…

5.A is to B what C is to D.=What A is to B is what C is to D.A之于B如同C之于D。(举个栗子:Reading books is to us what water is to fish.)


gain practical experience 获得实际经验

enrich one's life 丰富生活

broaden/expand one's horizons 开阔眼界

strengthen one's body 强身健体

make progress 取得进步

achieve one's goals 达成目标

①more and more ②an increasing number of ③in over increasing number 越来越多

have a great effect/impact on 对…有影响

at an amazing rate 以惊人的速度

suffer plenty of problems 遭受很多问题

take sth. seriously 认真对待某事

make mistakes 犯错

correct the mistakes 纠正错误

stand on one's feet/legs 自立自主

be burdened with responsibilities 担负责任

perform one's duty 尽某人职责

perform one's promise 履行某人承诺

talk with each other 相互交流

participate in =take part in 参加

perform/play an important role in daily life 在日常生活中扮演重要角色

keep the balance of nature 保持生态平衡

work hard at learning 努力学习

turn something to reality 把...变成现实

bear/keep something in mind 记住某事

interact with somebody 与某人互动

gain the approval and congratulations 获得赞成和祝贺

in the long term/run 从长远来看

sign up for sth. 报名参加appeal to the law 向法律求助

create an atmosphere 营造氛围

carry out 贯彻执行

make comments on 对...做评价

at home and abroad 国内外

culture shock 文化差异

make a profit 获得利润

to one's degrees 在某种程度上

to make matters worse 情况更糟的是

satisfy/meet one's need or demand 满足某人的需求。


表起始: above all, first of all, to begin with, as you know/ as is known

表时间:firstly, after that, since then, afterward, finally, at last, in the end, immediately, suddenly,last but not least

表转折:however, while, otherwise, on the contrary, at the same time与此同时

表递进: what's more, furthermore, besides, in addition, what's worse, to make matters worse, or rather更确切的说, in other words,especially, particularly, in particular, on the one hand... on the other hand... ,for one thing... for another... 一则...再则...

表因果:thanks to, due to, as a result, as a consequence, therefore

表总结:on the whole, all in all, in a/one word, in conclusion



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