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雅思写作政府职能类素材积累 丰富的词伙让你口语考试也如鱼得水

2020-11-15 04:15:01



1. 政府的主要职能是改善社会福利。为了达到这个目标,政府通常必须制定政策来发展经济和减少失业。创造就业决定人们是否有钱购买他们所需要的产品,而消费者支出为经济增长提供了所需的资金。可以提供免费学费,以提高年轻一代的就业能力。政府还可以将资金投入科学项目,以建立创新型经济。对基础设施项目的投资可以提供就业机会。可以为希望成立公司的年轻人提供财政支持。这包括减税、现金奖励和商业奖励 。

The main function of government is to improve social welfare. To achieve this target, the government normally has to formulate policies to grow the economy and reduce unemployment.

Job creation determines whether people have money to buy what they need, and consumer spending provides money required for economic growth. Free tuition can be provided to improve the employability of the younger generation.

The government can also devote cash to scientific projects to build an innovation-based economy. The investment in infrastructure projects can provide employment. Financial supports can be provided for young people who want to set up a company. This includes tax reduction, cash rewards and commercial incentives.


Another responsibility of the government is to create a peaceful society, possibly by implementing measures to combat crime. It is also important to close the income gap to tackle social division. The government can also launch campaigns to promote virtues and to teach young people how to be polite and show kindness.


It is also the government’s responsibility to promote equality, and to protect the vulnerable populations. All citizens are taught to respect migrants, ethnic minorities and every member of society regardless of social status. It is also important to address income disparity.


Another task falling to the government is to address public health issues. This can be achieved by pouring money in medical facilities to ensure people have access to medical care. Promoting heathy living is also important. This involves imposing laws to curb unhealthy habits, and providing sports facilities to promote an active lifestyle.


The government should also allocate resources to upgrading facilities, such as transport, which can help citizens handle demands of modern life.


The investment in recreational facilities such as theatres and opera house can benefit the public.


Environmental protection is also an important consideration. The government should have policies in place to promote environmentally friendly behavior. The research on green technology should also be partially or entirely funded by the state.


1促进经济发展,减少失业;投资教育,投资科技,投资基础设施来提供就业机会,鼓励创新,鼓励年轻人创业,减税,奖励优秀个人。Grow the economy, reduce unemployment, free tuition, decote cash to scientific projects, invest in infrastructure projects, provide employment, encourage innovation, set up a company, tax reduction/tax cuts, reward individuals/provide commercial incentives.

2社会稳定:打击犯罪,减少贫富差距,宣传美德,投资学校和图书馆,提倡礼貌和文明。Create a peaceful society, combat crime, close the income gap, promote virtues, invest in educational facilities, promote politeness and courtesy.


Promote equality, the rights of vulnerable populations, respect migrants, address income disparity.


pour money in medical facilities, promote healthy living, curb unhealthy habits, provide sports facilities


Upgrate and build public facilities.


invest in recreational facilities


environmental protection, promote environmentally friendly behviour, invest in green technology.






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