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2020-11-15 04:15:01


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Nowadays many people choose to be self-employed, rather than to work for a company or organization.

Why might this be the case?

What could be the disadvantages of being self-employed?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own

knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.



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Contemporary working modes have been gigantically reshaped under reforms of traditional concepts as well as increased social demands. As can be prevalently witnessed in many cities, especially metropolises around the world, an increasing number of people are becoming self-employed. Both the causes and possible negative influences will be further discussed in following paragraphs.

Various reasons can contribute to the present situation. First and foremost, the pursuit of personal ambition and dream has motivated people to escape from the shackle of ordinary companies. In traditional working modes, employees have to strive really hard to climb the career hierarchy, while they may spend more than half of their life to improve their status. By being the employers of themselves, people can spare no efforts to realize their own dreams. What is more, with the awakening of democratic consciousness, people nowadays are more aware of the personal freedom. In such contexts, many of them would not like to be constrained by the routine commuting life, and would rather hold the decision-making power at hand.

Hence being self-employed gradually becomes one of the most favorable choices for people who value personal freedom. Under the influences of aforementioned elements, the emergence of such a phenomenon is quite understandable.

In terms of the possible disadvantages, on the one hand, people who are self-employed may face certain periods of instability. Compared to regular companies and enterprises, the client resources of those individual employers are quite unsteady, since those individual employers should take more efforts to establish a convincing image and reputation. Once the shortage of incomes occurs, people who are self-employed will confront tougher times to survive. On the other hand, more pressure will be exerted on shoulders of those individual employers.

Inorder to maintain the healthy operation of business, people who run their own companies should strive against all odds no matter in competing with rival companies or managing their own employees. As a result, they must undertake stresses they will never face when they are employed by large companies. Without proper mental and physical regulation, their health might be further hampered under such an intense state.

The causing effects of being self-employed are quite diverse and it is really significant for people who want to be self-employed to think twice before making this decision.



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