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雅思写作:1月4日大作文真题解析 年度首考 Criminal Trials

2020-11-15 06:25:01

2019年的写作全年考情回顾和大作文真题,发布在上一期中:爆肝整理:2019年雅思写作考情汇总 附全年真题。有需要的同志们请自行戳。

【一· 题目概况】


In some countries, some criminal trails are shown on TV and the general public can watch them. Do you think the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

利弊分析的题目在题干中通常只讲述现象,极少涉及到观点。注意,我说“极少涉及”,并不意味着“完全没有”。比如下面这一题,就出现了与观点有关的关键词"harmless fun"和"a useful educational tool"。题目如下:

Some people regard video gamesas harmless fun, or even asa useful educational tool. Others, however, believe that video games are having an adverse effect on the people who play them. In your opinion, do the drawbacks of video games outweigh the benefits?

因而,在那些只陈述现象的利弊类题目中,你完全可以把现象视为关键词的同时,也当作话题。那么今日考题的话题词和关键词可以确定为"criminal trails"和"on TV"。

【二· Introduction写作】

题中的criminal trails指的是刑事审判,理解有误的铁子们回家老老实实背话题词汇去。对于电视直播刑事审判这个事儿来说,到底是弊多还是利多,一时还真不好分辨。在这儿,教大家一个方法,叫“现实法”。如果是通过了政府的决策而施行的事儿,你可以大胆判断这样做是合理的,“政府”就是你能大胆做出这样判断最好的依据。本题所提到的电视播出的刑事审判属于按政府流程走的司法相关事宜,我们可以作答“利大于弊”。但此方法不绝对,用在社会现象和个人行为上就可能不起作用了。经过以上的初步分析,我的开头段如下:

It has been observed in some nations that criminal trails are broadcasted on television in order to inform the public. In my opinion, the possible benefits of this practice are more significant than the negative impacts.

请注意我在background statement当中做出的替换:

nations=countries are broadcasted on television=are shown on TVthe general public can watch them=in order to inform the public 而我的thesis statement也可以用作回答“利大于弊”时的套句。

【三· Main body paragraphs 写作】


disadvantages主要在于an adverse effect on young generation: They are inevitably exposed to the details of criminal offenses such as violent attack, robbery and fraud. For those who fail to distinguish right from wrong, they are even more likely to imitate the illegal and immoral behavior. 额外还可以讲到对司法人员的工作影响,但这对专业人员的影响毕竟是小的,只需作为一个次要点稍做展开即可:Broadcasting the trials perhaps causes some pressure on judicial officials, whose work, therefore, may be affected by the public opinions. 更多的还是“利”:

让更多的人懂法:When watching how delinquents are trialed and sentenced, TV viewers will learn a great deal about the law and how the legal system works. 威慑作用:这里要讲到一组犯罪类话题的核心词汇。deterrent (n.) 威慑物,常见短语搭配:a deterrent to sth 对某物的威慑;serve/act as a deterrent 起到威慑作用。Broadcasted trails also function as a deterrent to potential criminals, since they are afraid of their faces shown TV after committing crimes, which is seen as a disgrace to their family .公众对司法人员的监督:Aware that they are viewed by the public, lawyers and judges will try their best to mare sure that the law is strictly followed and the justice is done to the highest standard.

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  1. 2021-08-02 17:561028714358[甘肃省网友]IP:3409498115
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