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英语写作必备万能套话 记会保你不后悔

2020-11-15 12:05:01



挣钱We can make some pocket money to buy some useful books.

利用好时间 We can make the most of our everyday time to do some valuable things.

提高能力 Not only our ability but also our interpersonal skills can be improved

交朋友 We can make some close friends to share with each other our personal experience

有益于身心健康 It is beneficial for our physical and mental health

既有意义又有兴趣 It is not only meaningful but also interesting

面对挑战 克服困难 达成目标 实现梦想 It can teach us how to face challenges, overcome difficulties ,achieve your goals and realize your dreams.


浪费金钱It costs so much money that many families can noteven afford it

浪费时间浪费精力It is a great waste of our time and energy

让人上瘾It may gradually get you addicted to it

不可预料的麻烦和头疼It may bring some unexpected troubles and headaches

让我们忘记.......的意义It makes us forget the true meaning of our life / friendship

影响学习 It has a negative effect on our study 影响身心 It will do harm to our physical and mental health



励志英语作文 大象的作文 高铁作文 节气作文 英语作文通知 人生作文600字 议论文800字作文 作文素材600字 写快乐的作文 作文四百字左右 故事里的故事作文 作文踏青 魔方作文 影评作文 作文二年级上册 难忘的一次作文 温暖作文600 作文大全600 滑板作文 四百字左右作文 高考作文英语 芒果作文 作文400字以上 石榴作文 写篇作文 德语作文 生气了作文 作文争吵 作文美丽的风景 时事作文