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2020-11-15 13:40:01


02-23 观点类大作文社会话题

Some people hold thatwe should spend amount of time and money on the protection of wild animals.Some people argue that they should be spent on human populations. To whatextent do you agree or disagree?






theprotection of wild animals: 保护野生动物(暗示好处在生态平衡,生物研究领域)




Whilethere has long been a controversy whether we should make effort to save wildlifeor improve the living condition of human beings, I tend to say that wildanimals deserve their role to exist in the world and therefore it is ourresponsibility to invest in preserving the diversity and balance of the creaturesin the ecological system.

Superficially,it is easy to understand why some people claim that human beings should begiven higher priority over all other species in the globe. It is undeniablethere do exist a host of pressing problems around us waiting to be coped with,say, underdeveloped infrastructures, traffic and housing problems in metropolises,medical services for senior population, etc., all of which need enormous statefunds. In this respect, the government should not be distracted by otherissues, but distribute the limited the funds on improving the living standardsof human beings.

However,plausible though the assertion is, it does not mean that improving human lifeshould be at the cost of sacrificing the ecological balance and the survival ofother animals. What is ignored by those advocates of the human-centered theoryis that the extinction of other animals will lead to deleterious ramifications.For example, were it not for snakes and owls, there would be no predators ofmice in fields, which would lead to the pernicious destruction of corns andother plants and therefore exacerbate the rampant famine in impoverished countries.Another factor we cannot afford to ignore is the loss of diversity in species, whichin the long term might trigger ripple effects on biological and nature science research.

Giventhis, I would reiterate that we should given equal consideration in both humanlife and the wildlife conservation.


Deserve 值得

Diversity 多样性

Superficially 表面上

Infrastructure 基础设施

Metropolis 都市

Distract 干扰

Distribute 分配

Plausible 看似有理的

Sacrifice 牺牲

Extinction 灭绝

Advocate 支持者

deleterious 严重的

ramification 后果

predator 捕食者

pernicious 极严重的

rampant 泛滥的

famine 饥荒


Itis easy to understand why …

Plausiblethough the assertion is, it does not mean that …

Wereit not for…, there would …

Anotherfactor we cannot afford to ignore is …

Iwould reiterate that …



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