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英语作文:关于对朋友圈秀恩爱 你怎么看?

2020-11-15 14:30:01

My view on love show in circle of friends

Now more and more people like to show their love in QQ space and circle of friends, especially the majority of young people. In my opinion, people who like to show their love in the circle of friends have no more than two kinds of psychology: first, they like to show their emotional status in front of others, especially the little things between lovers, including eating, dating and so on. It can also be understood that they hope to let others know that they havea partner through their circle of friends.

现在越来越多的人喜欢在QQ空间和朋友圈里面秀恩爱,尤其是大部分的年轻人。 在我看来,喜欢在朋友圈秀恩爱的人无非存在两种心理:第一种,他们喜欢把自己的情感状况展示在别人面前,尤其是情侣之间的点点滴滴,包括吃饭、约会等等。也可以理解为他们希望借助朋友圈让别人知道自己有对象了。

Second, those who like to show their love in the circle of friends are purely bored. They believe that only by revealing their love daily to others can they prove that they are in love. They are so bored that they share their emotional life in the circle of friends, and even feel like demonstrating to single dogs.


In general, there are pros and cons to show your love in the circle of friends. Sharing your love properly can get the blessing of your friends and also witness your growth with the help of the circle of friends. But excessive displays of affection can also be frowned upon.




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