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2018.7.7 雅思大作文解析

2020-11-15 15:40:01

Some people believe government should spend money on building train and subway lines to reduce traffic congestion. Others think that building more and wider roads is the better way to reduce traffic congestion. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

观点1: 修建列和地铁确实可以有效的改善交通状况building trains is an effective method to improve traffic condition.在地铁系统发达的城市或国家,道路上的私家车数量明显少很多,城市居民可以节省数小时的因交通阻塞导致的延误,还可以节省交通费用。这还不包括大量节省的燃料,这意味着减缓对自然资源的开采 slowing down the exploitation of natural resources.

观点2:然而,也有一些人对这种做法表示怀疑。他们的建议是修建更多更宽的道路以减轻交通堵塞。不可否认的事实是,在许多发展中国家,道路狭窄,年久失修,roads are narrow and in a desperate state of disrepair 严重阻碍了前往目的地的旅行。比如说,道路上如果小事故,例如爆胎,会令交通停顿,Someone’s small accidents, a flat tyre for example, can bring traffic to a halt这在只有两条车道的道路上是很常见的问题。



Traffic congestion has become the bane of citizens in many parts of the world. In order to mitigate this problem, some suggest that public transportation, such as trains and subway lines should be constructed. Meanwhile, others are firm in their belief that building wider roads makes more sense. Both of these methods will be analysed below.

On the one hand, building trains is an effective method to improve traffic condition. There are compelling evidences to support the investment in public transportation. In countries where subway systems are up to standard, the number of private vehicles that participate in traffic is small, city dwellers can save hours of delay and also thousands of dollars on traveling expenses.(细节化)That is not to mention a significant number of gallons of fuel saved, which means slowing down the exploitation of natural resources.

There are, however, others who express doubts on this approach. Their suggestion is that a better way to alleviate traffic jam is to make bigger road systems. The undeniable fact is that in many developing countries today, roads are narrow and in a desperate state of disrepair, which greatly obstruct the travels to their destinations. Someone’s small accidents, a flat tyre for example, can bring traffic to a halt, which is a commonly-seen problem in roads that have only two lanes.

To conclude, both methods discussed above provide sustained relief on our roadways; however, it is my opinion that the method to build trains and subway makes more sense in terms of environmental protection.












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